15th International Topic Meeting: Optics of Liquid Crystals 2013 (4019)
September 29, 2013 – October 04, 2013
Honolulu, HI, USA
Photo Credits: Wikipedia, Wikipedia, royalcarribean.org, yokogawa.com
Website: Optics of Liquid Crystals 2013
Registration: Registration
Flyer: OLC2013 Flyer
Liang-Chy Chien, Kent State University
As the world’s leading conference in optics and photonics of liquid crystals, the 2013 Optics of Liquid Crystals (OLC 2013) in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA will provide a venue for intellectual and enlightening discussions of ideas at the emerging and frontier of liquid crystal science and technology in optics, photonics and displays. The conference program will be broad with topics including, but not limited to, liquid crystal metamaterials, blue phase materials, LC nanocomposites, polymer liquid crystals, elastomers, gels and composites, optics of lyotropic and bio-relevant LC complex systems, LC in high power lasing systems, LC sensing and metrology, LC in infrared optics and optical communications, LC lenses, holographic and stereoscopic systems, 3D and new display applications, electronic books, semiconductor/LC hybrid materials, photovoltaics and solitons in LC materials and devices.
The program will include short courses, and plenary and invited speakers representing both academia and industry with a wide range of expertise in the topic areas. The group of participants will include a good number of graduate students and junior scientists, who will be given the opportunity to present posters, give oral presentations in a mini symposium and joining in the enlightening discussions. OLC 2013 offers 20 ICAM Travel Awards to outstanding papers submitted by junior scientists and graduate students. The awardees will present their papers at a pre-conference symposium. Free time, poster, and evening sessions will provide the opportunity to foster networking amongst leading scientists, junior scientists, and graduate students from a wide variety of fields and to establish exciting collaborations.
Plenary Speakers: N. Clark // S. Kobayshi // M. Schadt // S. Žumer
Seminar Speakers: I. Smalyukh // S.-T. Wu
Invited Speakers:I. N. Abbot // T. Bunning // V. Chigrinov // A. M. Figueiredo Neto // A. Y.-G. Fuh // J.-I. Fukuda // I. Jánossy // Y.-P. Huang // T. Kato // I.-C. Khoo // H. Kikuchi // L. Komitov // Y. Kivshar // O. Laverntovich // S.-D. Lee // L. Marrucci // L. J. Martinez-Miranda // M. Ozaki // M.-S. Park // N. Peyghambarian // M. Ravnik // V. Reshetnyak // F. Simmoni // J. Stompe // N. Tabiryan // B. Taheri // L. Xu // Y. Yu // T.-H. Yoon

Thrust Area
Soft Matter