Quantum Materials Accelnet (QMAC) Overview
Program Overview
ICAM, the Institute for Complex Adaptive Matter, announces the establishment of Quantum Materials Accelnet (QMAC), linking 10 networks across the world involved in research into Quantum Materials.
Participating Networks and representatives:
ICAM (Institute for Complex Adaptive Matter) (R. Singh)
EPiQS (Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Systems) (J. P. Paglione, V. Madhavan)
Correlated Magnetism from Frustration to Topology (Germany) (R. Moessner)
Elasto-QMAT (Germany) (R. Valenti)
Elasto-QMAT (Germany) (J. Schmalian)
CT-QMAT (Germany) (Matthias Vojta)
International Research Laboratory (France and Canada) (C. Proust, L. Taillefer and A.-M. Tremblay)
CIFAR (Canada) (L. Taillefer)
Quantum Liquid Crystals (Japan) (T. Shibauchi)
Max Planck-UBC-U Tokyo (Germany, Canada, Japan) (A. Damascelli, H. Takagi)
European Microkelvin Platform (Europe-Wide) (C. Enss, S. Paschen, J. Saunders)
Brazilian Network on Quantum Materials (Pascoal Pagliuso)
Quantum Materials Network (Korea) (Je-Geun Park, Keehoon Kim and Tuson Park)
The goal of this Accelnet is to advance our understanding and exploration of Quantum Materials by looking at new material families through multiple modes of synthesis and subjecting them to advanced spectroscopies and extreme conditions. The QMAC endeavors to catalyze new research between institutions and across nations through multi-node post-doctoral fellowships that will facilitate the entry of new talent into the field.

Award Description
1. Quantum Materials Postdoctoral Stipends
These are postdoctoral stipends typically of $20,000 and no more than $40,000 each. These awards are designed to complement existing postdoctoral support, providing stipends for a joint research project between two different network institutions (the "home" and the "host") of the QMAC. One of the institutes must be inside the USA, the other must be outside the USA. The award will be provided directly to the postdoc as a stipend or travel expense. The postdoctoral fellow will be expected to spend a total of at least six weeks at the host institution.
2. Quantum Materials Science Exchanges
These are awards open to junior and senior scientists in the network, typically of about $4,000 to support short term (2-6 weeks) science exchanges between institutions of the network in different countries.
For both postdoctoral fellowships and science exchanges, we particularly encourage applications seeking to carry out new material syntheses and improvements in crystal quality of materials of particular interest. We also encourage applications from theorists seeking to embed in experimental groups to learn about their work and help develop theory and analysis of the ongoing experiments or experimentalists seeking to embed in theory groups to learn theoretical methods pertinent to their research.
Eligibility for Postdoc:
Postdoctoral awards require international co-mentoring between US and another country. Either the US or the international institution must be an ICAM member. The postdoc must be employed at the home institution.
ICAM New Zealand <————> ICAM or EPIQS USA
ICAM USA <——————> Accelnet Network Japan
ICAM Japan <—————> ICAM or EPIQS USA
ICAM USA <——> Accelnet Network Europe
ICAM Europe <———> ICAM or EPIQS USA
Eligibility for Science Exchanges:
Science exchanges are open to both junior and senior applicants from the Accelnet Nodes. Science Exchanges must involve collaborative research between any two
different institutions of the Accelnet, with a strong preference for exchanges between different countries. Exchanges must be between USA and another country.
They do not have to be from different networks within the Accelnet. Junior or senior
applicants are welcome.
ICAM USA <—> ICAM or Accelnet Europe
ICAM Canada <——> ICAM or EPIQS USA
The Application Process
Applications will be reviewed on a quarterly basis until filled each year. Processing an application typically takes a few weeks, longer if the original submission is incomplete. Applicants should also allow several months to obtain their VISA, if applicable. The tables linked below show the deadlines, award times, and travel dates for the coming year. Interested applicants should review the Accelnet Guidelines before applying.
Click here for a detailed application schedule.
All Accelnet awardees must acknowledge the NSF grant in their publications resulting
from the science exchanges/ postdoctoral awards as follows:
We acknowledge support from the US National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant Number
2201516 under the Accelnet program of Office of International Science and Engineering
Accelnet Advisory Board and Principal Investigators​
Follow this link to see the Board and Principal Investigators.