Accelnet Guidelines
The Application Process
Applications will be reviewed on a quarterly basis until filled each year. Processing an application typically takes a few weeks, longer if the original submission is incomplete. Applicants should also allow several months to obtain their VISA, if applicable. The tables linked below show the deadlines, award times, and travel dates for the coming year. Interested applicants should review the Accelnet Guidelines before applying.
Click here for a detailed application schedule.
Click here for summary of eligibilities.
Required Documents
Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards (Duration: 3 – 6 months)
The application must be submitted in one package by the postdoctoral applicant, and must include the following:
1. Application from the candidate expressing reason and interest in joint mentorship
2. One page description of the project with the host institution.
3. Budget and timetable for proposed project, including up to six months stipend and expenses not to exceed 40,000 US dollars. Please convert your budget to USD.
4. Acknowledgement from the candidate that they will be devoting full time to this project during the period of the stipend.
5. Supporting letter from the home institution mentor, providing confirmation of the applicant's existing postdoctoral support.
6. Invitation letter from the host institution mentor.
7. CV of the postdoctoral candidate.
8. In the case of a two career application, the application must be made separately, referencing the application of a partner, with a clear statement of whether the applicants will only consider two simultaneous awards, or wish to also be considered independently.
Junior Scientist Exchange Awards (Duration: 2 – 6 weeks)
Applicant Curriculum Vitae (CV) – one page max
Host Mentor Curriculum Vitae (CV) – two pages max
Two page proposal; must include budget. Please convert your budget to USD.
One letter of recommendation from Applicant's Current Mentor - one page max
Invitation letter from host – one page max
Senior Scientist Exchange Awards (Duration: 2 – 6 weeks)
Applicant Curriculum Vitae (CV) – one page max
Host Curriculum Vitae (CV) – two pages max
Three page proposal; must include budget. Please convert your budget to USD.
Invitation letter from host – one page max
Terms of the Award
Accelnet Exchange Awards are travel awards for research collaborations, typically lasting 2 – 8 weeks. As such ICAM will reimburse the traveler for actual expenses incurred such as airfare, meals and incidentals, and lodging. Reasonable and economy estimates of lodging and meals expenses should be used in the award application. Reimbursement is processed after the travel has ended. Please refer to the Reimbursement page for information on allowable costs and the reimbursement process. Accelnet travel should be carried out as close as possible to the original proposed dates and completed within 3 months of the original proposed dates. Delays beyond this time frame will require a complete re-application to Accelnet.
Accelnet awards only support travel between two different Accelnet institutions.
All Accelnet awardees must acknowledge the NSF grant in their publications resulting
from the science exchanges/ postdoctoral awards as follows:
We acknowledge support from the US National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant Number
2201516 under the Accelnet program of Office of International Science and Engineering
Reporting and Outreach Responsibilities
All reports and publications must be emailed to
1. Write a brief (2-5 pages) report outlining the research and collaborative results of your travel exchange. Collaborations developed during or because of your visit should be detailed as this is the purpose of the award.
2. Submit any publications (from pre-print to final) that resulted from this award.
3. Acknowledge the Institute for Complex Adaptive Matter (ICAM) and QM Accelnet on all publications and presentations.
4. Use the ICAM and QM Accelnet logos on presentations when possible. (See the Acknowledgements/Grants page for logos.)