Bad Metal Behavior and Mott Quantum Criticality (13-6)
July 15, 2013 – July 19, 2013
Pohang, South Korea
Photo Credits:, Vladimir Dobrosavljević (FSU),, D.J.Z.
Vladimir Dobrosavljevic, Florida State University
Marcelo Rozenberg, University of Paris – Orsay
Jung Hoon Han, Sungkyunkwan University (Korea)
Ki-Seok Kim, POSTECH (Korea)
Important Links
Bad Metal Behavior and Mott Quantum Criticality Website
The no-man’s land between the metal and the insulator has long puzzled experimentalists and theorists alike. Yet this is where a myriad of novel phases are found, starting from the discovery of cuprate superconductivity 25 years ago to manganites, ruthenates, iridates, heavy fermions, organic charge-transfer salts, and all the way to recently discovered iron pnictides and related compounds. Many if not most of exotic features of these materials have been linked to quantum criticality associated with the Mott metal-insulator transition in its many disguises. Theoretical approaches ranging from conventional spin-fluctuation theories, to dynamical mean-field theory methods, to gauge theory formulations and topological field theories, and even holographic duality — ideas borrowed from superstring theory, have all been discussed. Despite more then 20 years of intense experimental and theoretical efforts, a clear understanding or consensus about what holds the key has not emerged yet.
This workshop will address both the fundamental issues associated with this new type of phase transition, and its many consequences for material science and technology, including applications to systems such as Mottronics, various novel oxide hetero-structures, and many other areas. We plan to bring around 30 invited speakers, who will cover the most exciting discoveries in this field which have emerged in the last few years.
Confirmed invited speakers include:
H. Alloul (LPS Orsay)
Vladimir Dobrosavljevic (Florida State University)
Antoine Georges (Paris)
Zenji Hiroi (ISSP)
Nigel Hussey (Bristol)
Harold Hwang (Stanford)
Isao Inoue (AIST)
Mark Jarrell (Louisiana State)
Gun Sang Jeon (Ewha Womans University)
K. Kanoda (Tokyo)
Aharon Kapitulnik (Stanford)
Norio Kawakami (University of Kyoto)
Changyoung Kim (Yonsei University)
Hyuntak Kim (ETRI)
Yong Baek Kim (Toronto)
Steve Kivelson (Stanford University)
M. Kohno (NIMS)
Y. Kohsaka (RIKEN)
Gabriel Kotliar (Rutgers University)
S. Kravchenko (Northeastern)
S.-S. Lee (McMaster University)
Yuji Matsuda (Kyoto University)
Luca de’ Medici (Orsay)
Ross McKenzie (Australia)
Eduardo Miranda (Campinas)
S. Nakatsuji (Tokyo)
Taewon Noh (Seoul National University)
Philip Phillips (Urbana)
Dragana Popovic (FSU MagLab)
Marcelo Rozenberg (Orsay)
Subir Sachdev (Harvard University)
Andres Santander (LPS Orsay)
T. Senthil (MIT)
Y. Tokura (University of Tokyo)
Chandra Varma (UC Riverside)
Zheng-yu Weng (Tsinghua University, Beijing)
Hong Yao (Tsinghua University, Beijing)
J. Zaanen (Leiden)

Thrust Area
Quantum Matter