Cargese Summer 2009 Workshop
July 06, 2009 – July 18, 2009
Cargese, Corsica, France
Laura Greene, Univ. of Illinois; Catherine Pepin, Saclay; Karyn Le Hur, Yale; Anuradha Jagannathan, Orsay
The workshop is intended to gather theoreticians and experimentalists to discuss a wide range of fascinating subjects in condensed matter physics, including unconventional superconductivity, graphene, frustrated magnetism, heavy fermions, cold atoms, low dimensional systems, and topological insulators. It is organized to encourage ample time for discussions investigating any overlap of these areas, and the emergence of new concepts and ideas.
Featuring topics relating to:
unconventional superconductors
heavy fermions
frustrated magnets
quantum Hall systems
Dirac fermions
condensed matter with cold atoms