Cargese Summer School on Quantitative Population Genetics (3540)
July 08, 2013 – July 20, 2013
Cargese, Corsica, France
Photo Credits:, Greg Barsh/Ann van Dyk cheetah preserve,,
Aleksandra Walczak, Ecole Normale Superieure
Michael Desai, Harvard University
The laws of evolution are simple: mutations generate variation, while genetic drift, recombination, and selection change the variant frequencies. Yet it is difficult to predict how these rare events collectively determine the course of evolution in a population. This summer school will give students, post-docs and researchers in quantitative disciplines (physics, population genetics, applied math, computers science, statistics, computational and systems biology) an overview of the challenges in the field and introduce them to current analytical, computational and experimental methods of addressing the open questions.
The school will consist of a set of pedagogical mini-courses and extended seminars. Participants are encouraged to present posters or short talks.
- theoretical population genetics
- evolutionary dynamics
- experimental microbial evolution
- virus evolution
- statistical genetics (inference)
- large scale evolutionary events
- evolution of cooperation
- metagenomics
Quantitative Population Genetics Poster
- Isabel Gordo (Instituto Gulbenkian)
- Anna di Rienzo (University of Chicago)
- Boris Shraiman (KITP, UCSB)
- David Bensimon, (ENS)
- Bernard Dujon (Institute Pasteur)
- Oskar Hallatschek (Max Planck Institute, Goettingen)
- Michael Laessig (University of Cologne)
- Dmitri Petrov (Stanford)
- Colin Russel (University of Cambridge)
- Thierry Mora (ENS)
- Richard Neher (Max Planck Institute, Tuebbingen)
- Sheri Simmons (Marine Biology Laboratory)
- Yun Song (UC Berkeley)
- Sander Tans (AMOLF)
Dead line: April 2013
Régistration fees: 750EUR for grad students, 850EUR for others
Limitted fellowships for participants will be available.
Thrust Area
Biological Matter