Conference on Mechanisms & Developments in Light-Element Based & Other Novel Superconductors (4027)
September 23, 2013 – September 26, 2013
ICTP, Trieste, Italy
Photo Credits: Erio Tosatti (SISSA and ICTP), Steven Hamm, unknown source, Francesco Napoletano
Erio Tosatti, SISSA and ICTP
Peter Littlewood, Argonne National Laboratory
Kosmas Prassides, Durham University
Yoshihiro Iwasa, Tokyo University
Poster: Registration Information
Superconducting materials with abundant and environmentally friendly elements are of vital importance for the future. At a fairly high rate, a variety of systems and of materials appear where superconductivity emerges, involving organics and common light elements, and alkali or field doping of insulators are among the main tracks. The underlying physics and concepts appear to differ and are in many cases still under intense debate. There is a need to understand the existing, and possibly design new superconducting systems with higher transition temperatures, based particularly on molecular systems of light elements. This workshop builds on an existing EU-Japan Project (LEMSUPER) focusing on alkali doped light element superconductors beyond alkali fullerides, particularly doped polyaromatic hydrocarbons (picene, phenantrene, coronene, dibenzopentacene,…) as well as field doped interface systems, but extends to include other systems of high current interest, and other
physically related systems.

Thrust Area
Quantum Matter