Autumn School on Correlated Electrons: Many-Body Methods for Real Materials
September 16, 2019 ​- September 20, 2019
Forschungszentrum Jülich
Eva Pavarini, Institute for Advanced Simulation, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
Erik Koch, FZJ, Jülich, Germany
Shiwei Zhang, College Williams and Mary, Williamsburg, USA
Emergent many-body phenomena are at the core of the exciting properties of strongly correlated materials. Understanding them requires confronting the many-body problem. While, at first, this appears to be an impossible task, substantial progress has been made by combining physical insights with modern numerical approaches. A successful strategy is to devise methods that use the understanding gained from simple models for constructing physically motivated wave-functions. Results for the ground state of real materials can then be obtained by optimizing them via deterministic or stochastic algorithms. The methods of choice for determining spectra are based on Green functions. A key strategy in these approaches is to map the complex realistic many-body Hamiltonian to a simpler auxiliary model that can be solved numerically.
The goal of this year’s school is to provide students with an overview of the state-of-the art of these techniques, their successes and their limitations. This is the necessary basis for further developments in the field. After introducing fundamental models and key techniques, lectures will focus on quantum Monte Carlo methods for optimizing correlated wave-functions, stochastically sampling series expansions for obtaining Green functions, and renormalization group techniques. Advanced lectures will address approaches to Mott physics, transport phenomena, and out-of-equilibrium dynamics. Applications will cover correlated systems ranging from transition metal compounds, and frustrated spin systems to correlated molecules.
Lecture Topics
Introduction and Basics
key questions for strongly correlated materials
introduction to the paradigmatic models
Green functions, self-energy and Feynman diagrams
Luttinger-Ward functional
quasi-particles and Fermi liquid theory
Correlated Materials
transition-metal compounds
correlated molecules
Mott insulators
heavy fermions
frustrated systems
Wave-function Methods
variational and diffusion Monte Carlo
Jastrow and multi-reference wavefunctions
BCS, RVB, Pfaffians
Lanczos method
density-matrix renormalization group
tensor network wavefunction methods
Green functions in and out of equilibrium
random-phase approximation
linear response functions
dynamical mean-field theory
Green functions in and out of equilibrium
correlated transport through single molecules
QMC for model Hamiltonians
Hubbard and Heisenberg models
algebraic approaches
auxiliary-field QMC at zero and finite temperature
diagrammatic Monte Carlo
stochastic series expansions