Emergent Phenom. in Dynamics of Quantum Matter: Disorder, Quenches, Simulation, Experiment (5759)
April 13, 2014 – April 17, 2014
The Graduate Center, City University, New York, NY
Photo Credits: CUNY
Vadim Oganesyan, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Adrian Feiguin, Northeastern University
Robert Konik, BNL
This workshop is aimed at bringing together researchers interested in understanding quantum dynamics of excited many-body systems, broadly defined by the importance of non-stationary quantum, off-diagonal in the density-matrix sense, correlations. Recent work, both theoretical and experimental, on such dynamics has suggested a number of interesting, hitherto unexpected, emergent phenomena. This includes the appearance of non-Gibbsian thermodynamic ensembles describing the late time dynamics of cold atomic gases whose putative theoretical descriptions are integrable models as well as the dynamical manifestation of quasi-integrability in the high energy spectrum of disordered, many body, non-integrable systems.