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EPICO 2012 - Electric Pulsed Indused Changes in Oxides (3556)

December 12, 2012 – December 14, 2012



Buenos Aires, Argentina







Photo Credits: Néstor Ghenzi (PhD student at CNEA, Argentina),, Néstor Ghenzi (PhD student at CNEA, Argentina), ITeDA


Pablo Levy, CONICET
Maria José Sanchez, CONICET
Vladimir Dobrosavljevic, Florida State University
Gergely Zimanyi, UCDavis


Resistive electronic memories (ReRAM) are seen today as one of the most promising emerging candidates to become a key memory technology of the future, with many potential applications in conventional electronics. Besides this, however, its multifunctional capabilities emerging from the use of transition metal oxides are only beginning to be actively explored. 


The aim of EPICO-2012 is to have a small-size meeting with an atmosphere that promotes scientific exchanges. Key scientists working on ReRAM along with researches from neouromorphic applications of resistive switching and multifunctional properties of oxides will be invited. We will focus on the discussion of the yet not fully ellucidaded mechanism behind the resistive switching effect, and into the promising applications that exploit its neuromorphic behavior, such as artificial intelligence electronic devices. 


Additional Information

At the Frontiers of Condensed Matter (SIPE & EPICO) - FCM2012.pdf
Information on SIPE 2012 & EPICO2012
Program - EPICO2012.pdf
Abstracts of EPICO2012 Presentations.pdf
Posters - EPICO2012.pdf


Video Presentation Archive

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Soft Matter

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