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FAPERJ Spring School 2009

May 17, 2009 – May 23, 2009



FAPERJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil



The third I2CAM/FAPERJ School with focus on Condensed Soft Matter Physics will be held in Rio de Janeiro from 17-23 May, 2009. The conference is co-funded by ICAM and FAPERJ (the state agency of Rio de Janeiro for founding research) and will be hosted by the CBPF, in Rio de Janeiro.


There will be approximately three lectures per day, in the ICAM format of 60 mins talk + 30 mins discussion that has already been pioneered in the Cargese summer schools. With support of I2CAM, FAPERJ, NSF, CAPES and CBPF we have funding to support approximately 40 students from North America and from South America.  Additional students, coming on their own finance from other locations will also be welcome, in addition to local students from several universities and research centers in and around Rio de Janeiro.

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