Florida State University
“One of the nation’s elite research universities, Florida State University with the Carnegie Foundation’s highest designation, Doctoral/Research University-Extensive offers a distinctive academic environment built on its cherished values and unique heritage, welcoming campus on the oldest continuous site of higher education in Florida, championship athletics, and prime location in the heart of the state capital.
Combining traditional strength in the arts and humanities with recognized leadership in the sciences, Florida State University provides unmatched opportunities for students and faculty through challenging academics, cultural discovery and community interaction.
Underlying and supporting the educational experience at Florida State University is the development of new generations of citizen leaders, based on the concepts inscribed in our seal: Vires, Artes, Mores — Strength, Skill and Character.”
Courtesy of: www.fsu.edu
Branch Members
Senior Scientists
Nicholas Bonesteel
James Brooks
Vlad Dobrosavljevic
Lev Gorkov
Laura Greene
Efstratios Manousakis
Jan Musfeldt
Subramanian Ramakrishnan
Theo Siegrist
Dmitry Smirnov
Stan Tozer
Post Docs
Tiglet Besara
William Coniglio
Audrey Grockowiak
Jian Kang
Ping Lin
Robert Cipri
Evan Clark
John Coulter
Jonathon Kemper
Tsung-Han Lee
Samiyeh Mahmoudian
Yohanes Pramudya
Lily Stanley
Eden Steven
Jifeng Sun
Rafael Vasquez
Jeremy Weiss
Joined ICAM in 2004

Workshop Application
Computational Approaches for Electronic/Magnetic Materials
Author: Efstratios Manousakis
​​​Theory Winter School 2017: Materials Genome Meets High Magnetic Fields
Author: Laura Greene​​