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Frontiers of Quantum Matter

April 20, 2013 – April 21, 2013



CBPF, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil







Photo Credits: http://escoladocbpf.blogspot.comLisa DeNike, Global Initiatives, David Alan Harvey (National Geographic)



Piers Coleman, Rutgers University
Elisa Baggio Saitovich, CBPF
Mucio Continentino, CBPF



A two day meeting, held at the CBPF Rio de Janeiro, bringing together scientists to discuss the latest developments, both experimental and theoretical in correlated electron materials.  The meeting will be organized with large amounts of discussion time and two major panel discussions addressing the big challenges of discovery and understanding in emergent quantum materials.


Frontier of Quantum Matter Website


Invited Speakers

Cris Adriano, U. Illinois Chicago
Jim Allen*,  U. Michigan
Henri Alloul*, U. Paris Sud
Premi Chandra*, Rutgers University
Mucio Continentino*, CBPF
Hong Ding*, Institute of Physics, Beijing
Claudia Felser*, MPI-CBG, Dresden
Zachary Fisk*, UC Irvine
Laura Greene*, U Illinois
Gilbert Lonzarich*, U. Cambridge
Mariano de Souza, IGCE, Univ Estadual Paulista
Jose Hoyos Neto, IFSC, Sao Paulo
Stuart Parkin, IBM Almaden
Phillip Phillips*, U. Illinois 
David Pines*, UC Davis
Tomo Uemura, Columbia U., NY
Ricardo Urbano, Campinas


* Confirmed

Thrust Area

Quantum Matter

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