Hubbard Theory Consortium
The quantum many body problem in condensed matter is one of the grand challenges for 21st century physics. New states with striking properties emerge from the collective behaviour of interacting electrons in materials. Due to the intrinsic difficulty of this field, an effective strategy for the discovery, understanding, and design of new strongly-correlated materials will increasingly involve experimentalists and theorists working closely together. This is the aim of the Hubbard Theory Consortium (HTC).
The HTC brings together condensed matter theorists in a growing and inclusive consortium to work in close collaboration with experimentalists using world-leading facilities as the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Harwell (including the ISIS Facilities and the Diamond Light Source) and the London Centre for Nanotechnology. In addition, the HTC aims to act as a hub of excellence to promote interactions with leading theorists and experimentalists from all over the world.
Current research directions include the theory of strongly correlated electron systems, superconductivity, magnetism, topological materials, cold atom gases, entanglement, nanostructures with spin-polarised elements, heavy fermion materials.
Key members of the ICAM team are the Condensed Matter Theory group of Royal Holloway, University of London (RHUL); the Physics of Quantum Materials Group of University of Kent (PQM Kent); and the Theory Group of the London Centre for Nanotechnology/University College London (LCN/UCL).
For more information please see the Hubbard Theory Consortium Home Page
Member Institutions
Condensed Matter Theory group of Royal Holloway, University of London (RHUL)
Physics of Quantum Materials Group of University of Kent (PQM Kent)
Theory Group of the London Centre for Nanotechnology at University College London (LCN/UCL)
Branch Members
Senior Scientists
Sam Carr
Matthias Eschrig
Andrew Ho
Anna Posazhennikova
Jorge Quintanilla
Giovanni Sordi
Post Docs
Sudeep Ghosh
Christopher R. Winterowd
Yu-Chin Tzeng
Eugene Balkind
Francisco Cordobes Aguilar
Evgeny Egorov
Lorenzo Fratino
Aldo Isidori
Niclas Wennerdal
Philip Whittlesea
Leon Schoonderwoerd
John Pooley
Henry Sheehy
Joined ICAM in 2013

Workshop Application
Condensed Matter Physics in the City 2015
Author: Giovanni Sordi
Condensed Matter Physics in the City
Author: Giovanni Sordi