Innovative Courses and Websites

University of Wisconsin
Physics 472: Scientific Background to Global Environmental Problems Upper level undergraduate course at University of Wisconsin
University of California, Davis
PHY150 Gateways to Emergence in Science and Society: Toward a Science of Sustainability is a course for upper level undergraduates and graduate students that was created by Alex Navrotsky and David Pines with the assistance of eight distinguished invited lecturers. First taught in the 2011 winter quarter, it will be taught next in the 2013 winter quarter.
Links to videotapes of the 2012 lectures and supplementary course materials that include student-designed projects, may be found on the website,
Other informal educational links of interest to the ICAM community
The Habitable Planet is a multimedia online course for high school teachers and adult learners interested in studying environmental science.
Emergent Behavior in Quantum Matter, and Biophysics, are multimedia online units for high school teachers and adult learners interested in learning about these topics.
Energy in Modern Society US Department of Energy Reports on Challenges in Energy - Excellent Reports on Grand Challenges in Basic Energy sciences and specific challenges (superconductivity, storage, lighting, etc.) These reports are comprehensive and excellent.
Sustainable Energy - Without the Hot Air - Free online book by David Mackay, Cambridge University, which estimates the possible role of sustainable energy in transitioning to a post-fossil fuel economy - Note the wiki page for producing estimates for all countries.