Non-Equilibrium Phenomena in Superconductors and Related Materials (8861)
Dates: July 19-20, 2022
Vancouver, BC
Andrea Damascelli
The phenomenon of superconductivity, with its twin properties of zero electrical resistivity and perfect diamagnetism, has fired up the imagination of researchers for over a century, driven myriad applications, and inspired the imagination of the broader public. Discovered before the development of quantum mechanics, it has been a driver of theoretical physics, spawning the development of ideas and theoretical techniques reaching far beyond the limits of the field. It has also been a major driver of experimental techniques, leading to the development of many of the tools now central to condensed matter physics. The unique properties of superconductors also find their way into both existing applications and many paths to future devices, from MRI machines to quantum computing.
Since 1988, the Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity (M2S) conference has, every three years, brought together researchers in condensed matter physics and quantum mechanics from around the world to share the latest research in the field of superconductivity. The first conference was held in Interlaken, Switzerland, shortly after the discovery of high temperature superconductivity by the Nobel Prize winners Johannes Georg Bednorz and Karl Alexander Muller.
Subsequent meetings have been held in Palo Alto, Kanazawa, Grenoble, Beijing, Houston, Rio de Janeiro, Dresden, Tokyo, Washington, Geneva, and Beijing.
After a globally challenging period, we are pleased to be bringing the M2S conference to Vancouver, British Columbia (BC), in July 2022.
The aim of M2S-2022 is to bring together researchers across the full spectrum of activities in superconductivity, enabling exchange of ideas, fostering collaborations, and fueling future research. All aspects of research in the field will be represented, including materials development, advances in theory and experiment, and research aimed at applications, and will span the gamut of contemporary topics in the field.