Novel Spectroscopy Probes of Strongly Correlated Electron Materials (7813)
November 16, 2015 – November 17, 2015
Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA
Andriy Nevidomskyy, Rice University
Pengcheng Dai, Rice University
Emilia Morosan, Rice University
Qimiao Si, Rice University
Recently, several novel experimental probes have been developed that allow unprecedented level of precision in measuring the electronic properties of materials. These probes in particular include the resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) and pin-resolved ARPES (ARPES stands for angular resolved photoemission spectroscopy). These techniques are especially powerful in elucidating the spin-dependent magnetic properties of strongly correlated materials and provide complementary information to the conventional methods such as neutron spectroscopy. The rational for this workshop is to bring together leading experts in these different methods, as well as theoreticians, united by the common interest in strongly correlated electron materials. The key unaddressed questions include: 1. How to understand the RIXS cross section from computation point of view, and how to separate magnetic from other electronic excitations? 2. How to compare and understand the discrepancy of intensity measured by RIXS and by inelastic neutron scattering? 3. How different regions of reciprocal space probed by RIXS and neutron scattering play a role in determining the differences in the scattering intensity. 4. What role spin-resolved ARPES and STM can play in understanding themagnetism in correlated electron materials, and how to they compare with RIXS and neutron scattering.
Scope: The spectrum of strongly correlated electron materials is very broad and we do not wish to unnecessarily limit the materials scope of the proposed workshop. Rather, the scope will be shaped by the materials to which the aforementioned novel spectroscopies have been successfully applied, or which are of potential interest to these methods.
The workshop will revolve around three topical areas:
methodological advances in spectroscopic techniques
quantum magnets, including the effects of frustration
synthesis and characterization of novel materials
The invited speakers are listed below (see tentative program)
Thrust Area
Quantum Matter