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Physical Phenomena in High Magnetic Fields

August 02, 2008 – August 06, 2008



Laulasmaa Resort near Tallinn, Estonia



Raivo Stern, Director, National Institute of Chemical Physics & Biophysics, Tallinn, Estonia and


Greg Boebinger, Director, U.S. National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, Florida.



The Sixth Conference on Physical Phenomena in High Magnetic Fields (PPHMF-VI) will be held August 1 through August 6 at the Laulasmaa Resort near Tallinn, Estonia. Following the tradition from the PPHMF-V conference in Tallahassee, which was a satellite to LT-24 in Orlando, this summer’s conference will be a satellite of the LT-25 conference held August 6 through August 13 in Amsterdam and Leiden.


Following the format of the very successful PPHMF conferences at the U.S. National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, the PPHMF-VI will feature talks chosen for scientific excellence from areas of research that now involve or could in the future involve high magnetic fields. Discussions will span the wide range of research and experimental techniques currently at the magnet lab’s and will seek to identify new opportunities in magnetic field research.  The conference will consist of invited talks, contributed talks and posters.


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