Condensed Matter Physics in All the Cities: Deep Challenges of Quantum Materials (8848)

Week 1: Tuesday 16 June – Friday 19 June
Week 2: Monday 22 June – Friday 26 June
Dai Aoki (Tohoku, Japan)
Meigan Aronson (UBC, Canada)
Claudio Castelnovo (Cambridge, U.K.)
Premi Chandra (Rutgers, U.S.)
Johannes Lischner (Imperial, U.K.)
Alix McCollam (Radboud Univ., NL)
Masaki Oshikawa (ISSP Tokyo, Japan)
Frank Pollmann (Munich, Germany)
John Saunders (Royal Holloway, U.K.)
Qimiao Si (Rice, U.S.)
Miles Stoudenmire (Flatiron, U.S.)
Hide Takagi (MPI Stuttgart, Germany)
Senthil Todari (MIT, U.S.)
Roser Valenti (Frankfurt, Germany)
Condensed Matter Physics in the City 2020 took place online this year under the heading “Deep Challenges of Quantum Materials: insights from entanglement and emergence”, as we refused to allow COVID-19 to put a stop to this long-running series organised yearly by the Hubbard Theory Consortium (formed by Imperial College London, University College London, the University of Kent and Royal Holloway University of London).
This year’s event brought together speakers and topics of both Condensed Matter Physics in the City and the planned Summer School on Foundations of Quantum Matter, originally planned to take place in June 2020 in London and the Isle of Skye, respectively.
For more information, visit the event's website here.
Also, be sure to check out this article reviewing how the COVID-19 pandemic transformed this yearly UK workshop into a global event.