Protein Dynamics: from Water Hydration to Crowding Effects (4789)
September 25, 2013 – September 29, 2013
Titisee, Germany
Photo Credits: BFF9 Poster
Francesco Rao, FRIAS
Hermann Grabert, FRIAS
Gerhard Stock, University of Freiburg
Important Links
BBF9 Website
BFF9 Poster
Registration Form
The workshop will focus on the influence of hydration and crowding on protein dynamics. Recent experiments and simulations have revealed the non-trivial role of the molecular environment for the function of biomolecular systems. The problem is highly interdisciplinary, requiring contributions from NMR, single-molecule and high-order IR spectroscopy as well as from theoretical and computational approaches. Getting together major experts in the field, the workshop aims to foster communication and new multidisciplinary research.
Confirmed Keynote Speakers include:
Ken A. Dill (Stony Brook)
Martin Gruebele (Illinois)
Bertil Halle (Lund)
Martina Havenith (Bochum)
Teresa Head-Gordon (Berkeley)
Thomas Kiefhaber (Munich)
Roland Netz (Berlin)
Benoit Roux (Chicago)
Ben Schuler (Zurich)
John E. Straub (Boston)
Wilfred van Gunsteren (Zurich)
Advanced Seminar Speakers include:
Simon Ebbinghaus (Bochum)
Michael Feig (Michigan)
Peter Hamm (Zurich)
Kevin Kubarych (Michigan)
Kresten Lindorff-Larsen (Copenhagen)
Thrust Area
Soft Matter