Rutgers University
The New Brunswick campus of Rutgers University is a founding member of the “Institute for Complex Adaptive Matter” or ICAM. ICAM is an “Institute without Walls” : an organization devoted to the understanding and research into the principles that govern collective behavior in matter - ranging from cold quantum matter, soft condensed matter, to biological matter.
Key members of the Rutgers ICAM team are the Condensed Matter group, the Biomaps research institute and the department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology.
Past ICAM/I2CAM events co-organized by Rutgers members include “Quantum Criticality” (New York, 2003), “Frontiers in Correlated Matter” (Aspen, Snowmass 2004), the “ICAM workshop on Transport in Single-Crystal Organic Semiconductors” (Baltimore, 2006), the Chromatin Dynamics Workshop (Aspen, 2006) and the first I2CAM/FAPERJ school on emergent matter, Rio de Janeiro (2007).
Branch Members
Senior Scientists
Eva Andrei
Natan Andrei
Girsh Blumbert
Piers Coleman
Gabi Kotliar
Vitaly Podzorov
Karin Rabe
Post Docs
Camille Aron
Yanwei Cao
Maxim Kharitonov
Hyungwon Kim
Yoon Seok Oh
Tze Tzen ONg
Jan Tomczak
Victor Alexandrov
Aravind Devarakonda
Victor Drouin-Touchette
Bin Gao
Hsianghsi Kung
Hsiang-Hsi Kung
Adina Luican-Mayer
Aline Ramires
Sebastian Reyes-Lillo
Yazhong Wang
Chuck-Hou Yee
Tahir Yusufaly
Joined ICAM in 2002

Junior Short Award
Author: Hsianghsi Kung
Senior Scientist Award
Author: Girsh Blumberg
Workshop Application
Gordon research conference and Gordon research seminar on correlated electron systems
Author: Eva Andrei
ICAM – ICTP research school. “Innovations in Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems”
Author: Piers Coleman
New Paradigms for Low-Dimensional Electronic Materials
Author: Karin Rabe
International Workshop on Field-effect Transistors and Functional Interfaces (FET2014)
Author: Vitaly Podzorov
Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems – Novel materials meet novel theories
Author: Piers Coleman
New Horizons at the Frontier of magnetism & superconductivity
Author: Piers Coleman