ICAM-I2CAM scientists presently work in the following areas:

ICAM-I2CAM scientists seek to identify the organizing principles responsible for the remarkable range of quantum phases observed in strongly correlated electron systems, such as the heavy electron materials and the “high T_c” cuprate superconductors, and to discover new ones. Considerable attention has also gone to the properties of memristors, new device elements, topological insulators, and cold atom systems.

ICAM-I2CAM researchers also actively explore the organizing principles of soft matter systems, such as liquid crystals, colloidal suspensions, jamming, self-assembly, and polymer blends. These intriguing fragile forms of matter easily respond to mechanical stresses, electric and magnetic fields, temperature variations, and light, assuring a richness of physics phenomena and a wealth of technological applications.

ICAM-I2CAM scientists work together to understand the organizing principles underlying the diverse phenomena of biological matter. Among the topics of recent workshops and research are: protein folding, amyloidogenic proteins, the physical aspects of astrocytes, cytoskeletal function and mechanics, and quantum coherence effects in biological systems.

ICAM has initiated a thrust to work on new materials for sustainable energy, which includes a focus on: superconductivity for the smart grid, strongly correlated electronic materials for energy storage, and novel photovoltaic materials.
Additional details about the accomplishments and scope of the ICAM science and research effort may be found on the following links:
ICAM Publications lists the publications and preprints that acknowledge discussions at ICAM/I2CAM workshops or direct ICAM/I2CAM support.
ICAM Collaborations are ICAM/NSF-supported research collaborations in which researchers at different institutions share graduate students and postdoctoral researchers
ICAM Research Networks arise out a desire by participants in its exploratory workshops to accelerate the research progress that integration and collaboration make possible. Seed support from ICAM makes possible the establishment and initial operation of research networks that link ICAM researchers in US and overseas branches.
ICAM Research Updates describe, in non-technical terms, significant research results arising out of ICAM workshops and collaborations.
ICAM Workshops and Symposia contains links to previous ICAM exploratory workshops and frontier symposia