Spin Orbit Coupling in Correlated Oxides (6690)
May 04, 2015 – May 07, 2015
Columbus, Ohio
Photo Credits: IFW-Dresden - Institute for Theoretical Solid State Physics, dan418 (stock.xchng), Hamish Johnston, Ceramics.org
Nandini Trivedi, The Ohio State University
Mohit Randeria, The Ohio State University
Patrick Woodward, The Ohio State University
Rolando Aguilar, The Ohio State University
Yuan-Ming Lu, The Ohio State University
Website: http://cem.osu.edu/news/soc-u/
Application Deadline:
Limited space is available. Students and young researchers who are interested in attending the workshop, please complete the online application form, which can be accessed by clicking the link below. Please remember to save the pdf application to your desktop prior to entering your information. Otherwise, the fields will reset once it is saved to your device. Submit your application to Ms. Jaimie Mollison at mollison.4@osu.edu by Sunday, April 5th, 2015, 5pm EST. External participants are financially responsible for their travel expenses, including travel and lodging. However, meals are included and the registration fee has been waived. Internal participants will be asked to contribute a registration fee of $200 to participate in this event.
Transition metal oxides with partially filled 3d and 4d shells have dominated materials research in the past decades, leading to such spectacular phenomena as high Tc superconductivity and colossal magnetoresistance. In contrast, properties of materials like the oxides of rhenium, osmium and iridium, are only beginning to be explored. The presence of a large spin‐orbit coupling on the 5d elements, together with correlations, leads to the possibility of novel phases like topological Mott insulators and Weyl metals. The large variety of crystal structures (pyrochlore, hyper‐Kagome, etc.) in many cases leads to unusual anisotropic magnetic couplings and geometric frustration. Double perovskites with a 5d element are predicted, and in some cases known, to exhibit properties ranging from Mott insulators and spin‐liquids to insulating and half‐metallic ferrimagnets with very high Tc’s. Experimentally we know very little at this time about the effects of doping 5d Mott insulating phases. The aim of the workshop will be to bring researchers with diverse expertise in transition metal oxide experiments and theoretical modeling to focus on the latest developments in oxides with an interplay of strong correlations and spin‐orbit coupling.
Topics to be covered during the workshop:
• Magnetism: Spin and orbital ordering; Frustrated systems, Spin and orbital liquids,
• Multi‐orbital Mott insulators: role of spin‐orbit coupling; doping effects
• Topological properties: topological Mott insulators, Weyl metals, magnetoelectrics
Tentative list of Invited Speakers:
James Analytis, UC Berkeley
Ryotaro Arita, Riken
Silke Biermann, Centre de Physique Theorique
Gang Cao, Univ Kentucky
Jacques Chakhalian, Univ Arkansas
Jinguang Cheng, Institute of Physics CAS
Sang-Wook Cheong, Rutgers
Daniel Dessau, Univ Colorado
Craig Fennie, Cornell
Daniel Haskel, Adv Photon Src Argonne Nat’l Lab
Harold Hwang, Stanford
George Jackeli, Max Planck Institute
Hae-Young Kee, Univ Toronto
Bernhard Keimer, Max Planck Institute
Daniel Khomskii, Univ Cologne
Bumjoon Kim, Max Planck Institute
Yong Baek Kim, Univ Toronto
Young Lee, Stanford
John Mitchell, Argonne Nat’l Laboratory
Arun Paramekanti, Canadian Inst for Adv Research
Natalia Perkins, Univ Minnesota
Tanusri Saha Dasgupta, S. N. Bose Nat’l Centre
Sergej Savrasov, UC Davis
Kyle Shen, Cornell
Susanne Stemmer, UC Santa Barbara
Hidenori Takagi, Max Planck Institute
Jean-Marc Triscone, Univ Geneva
Kentaro Ueda, Univ of Tokyo
Ashvin Vishwanath, UC Berkeley
Jiaqiang Yan, Univ Tennesee Knoxville
Thrust Area
Quantum Matter