Superconductivity - Theory, Experiments, and Phenomena - STEP 2013 (13-3)
August 05, 2013 – August 17, 2013
Cargese, Corsica, France
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Henri Alloul, Paris Consortium
Andrey Chubukov, University of Wisconsin
Dirk van der Marel, University of Geneva
Joerg Schmalian, Karlsruhe Consortium
Registration Form (you need to create an account to register)
The deadline for applications is May 15, 2013. A limited number of ICAM-sponsored fellowships for students and postdocs will be available.
Event Website:
Discovered in 1911 by the Dutch scientist Heike Kamerlingh-Onnes, superconductivity represents the amazing phenomenon of dissipationless flow of electric current. Due to the principles of quantum mechanics, the electrical current in a superconducting loop will flow forever. The quantum aspect of superconductivity is also responsible for a host of phenomena observed and applied in superconducting electronic circuits, ultrahigh precision magnetic sensors, radio-frequency filters, and electronic resonators. Even after one century, this field is still one of the most vital in condensed matter physics and continues to bring new surprises. Over the last decade the field of superconductivity witnessed a remarkable renewal of interest. The reasons for this are (i) the discovery of unconventional (not ordinary s-wave) superconductivity in cuprates, heavy-fermion, and organic superconductors, and, more recently, in Fe-pnictides and Fe-chalcogenides, (ii) in these materials superconducting pairing likely involves strong correlation effects induced by the Coulomb interaction, rather than purely from electron-phonon interaction, and (iii) the rapid development of the new areas such as chiral and topological superconductivity, and rapid progress in the design of superconducting quantum circuits with multiple qubits.
The societal and scientific developments of the past decade in the field of superconductivity call for a strong generation of young scientists with a solid training in novel superconductivity, including the materials aspects, the phenomenology of novel superconducting phenomena that can or have been realized, and the theoretical deductions and inductions in the framework of the origin of superconductivity in strongly correlated electron systems. The aim of this summer school is to provide such a training for young scientists, such as to allow them to enter the arena at the forefront of the science and technology of novel superconductivity.
The school will cover four sub fields:
• Phenomenology of superconductivity, pairing symmetries, Landau-Ginzburg description
• Mechanisms of superconductivity in various materials
• Mesoscopic aspects of superconductivity, topological superconductivity
• Applications of superconductivity and search for new superconductors.
The Cargese school/workshop will bring together both experts and young researchers, both theorists and experimentalists, working in the field of superconductivity. The program will feature lectures (at least six hours for each sub-field) and scientific talks. Most of lecturers will stay in Cargese for at least a week to have enough time to communicate with the students and other participants. We encourage students, postdocs, as well as more senior researchers from all around the world to attend.
Invited Lecturers
*to be confirmed
James Annett, University of Bristol (Bristol UK),
Girsh Blumberg, State University of New Jersey (Rutgers NJ),
Daniel Esteve, CEA IRAMIS SPEC (Saclay FR),
Laura H. Greene, University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign IL),
Antoine Georges, École Polytechnique (Palaiseau FR)* ,
Peter Hirschfeld, University of Florida (Gainesville FL),
David LeBoeuf, University Paris- Sud (Orsay FR)*
Daniel Loss, University of Basel (Basel CH),
Xavier Obradors, ICMAS-SCIC Institut Materials Science Barcelona (Barcelona SP),
Joseph W. Orenstein, University of Berkeley (Berkeley CA),
Catherine Pépin, CEA IPhT (Saclay FR),
Srinivas Raghu, Standford University (Stanford CA),
Mohit Randeria, Ohio State University (Columbus OH),
Florence Rullier-Albenque, CEA IRAMIS SPEC (Saclay FR),
Subir Sachdev, Harvard University (Cambridge, MA),
Alain Sacuto, Université Paris VII (Paris FR),
Suchitra E. Sebastian, University of Cambridge (Cambridge UK),
Yvan Sidis, LLB (Saclay FR)*,
Jean-Marc Triscone, Université de Genève (Geneva CH)
Chandra M. Varma, University of California (Riverside CA)

Thrust Area
Quantum Matter