Workshop on Nanophotonics (3465)
December 03, 2012 – December 07, 2012
Trieste, Italy
Photo Credits: NASA,, Roberto Merlin,
Eric Isaacs, University of Chicago/ Argonne National Lab
Peter Littlewood, University of Chicago/ Argonne National Lab
Federico Capasso, Harvard University
Nidhi Srivastava, National Centre for Biological Sciences
Jayant B. Udgaonkar, National Centre for Biological Sciences
This Workshop will describe the fundamentals, recent advances and applications of nano photonics and will be organized to encourage the interaction of the participants from all countries and at all levels. It will provide a unique opportunity to advance knowledge and understanding in the area of interaction of light with sub-wavelength size objects.
There will be Tutorial lectures given by experts in the field followed by Invited Talks in specific topics. In order to foster content-specific interactions, the Workshop will include a Poster Session for the presentation of research studies by junior and other participants. In addition, we will introduce the participants to a variety of user facilities that provide access to nanofabrication and characterization equipment.
Additional Information

Thrust Area
Soft Matter